Hey, I'm Andrés 👋

The Fullstack Developer

Life's too short to take it slow, so I stay building fast.

About me

I'm Andrés. A 22-year old software developer, maker and problem solver.

Technology has always fascinated me, and I've never been afraid to jump in and give it a go. In fact, I wrote my first line of code in the web browser of a Nintendo DSi, back when I was 11 years old.

This adventurous, self-taught spirit has shaped most of the decisions of my life.

Nowadays, I use the energy that led me to open that DSi browser to build cool stuff, and most importantly: build it fast.


Paycraft website screenshot

Game monetization platform. (Current Project)

Built with Next.js, Node.js, Tailwind, TypeScript, MongoDB, PHP and Java.

Paycraft website screenshot

Decentralized saving platform.

Built with pure React, Bootstrap, Solidity and Web3.js.

Toagym website screenshot

Website for a Spanish Martial Arts Gym.

Built with Next.js, TypeScript and Tailwind.

Toagym website screenshot

Minecraft SkyBlock Plugin.

Open source, +100k downloads and 12 contributors.

Built with PHP over the PocketMine-MP API.